Ann Romney Announces Center for Neurological Diseases; Mitt Publishes Endearing Letter to Ann

Today, the Boston Brigham and Women’s Hospital announced the launch of the Ann Romney Center for Neurological Diseases, which is being funded by the Romney family.

Though Ann has announced that Mitt won’t be running for the 2016 presidential election, the Romney family may be in the spotlight once more.

The center will focus on five incurable diseases: multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer’s, brain tumors, and Parkinson’s.

According to the Los Angeles Times, 

Romney describes the center as her answer to the scores of MS patients who approached her on the campaign trail, desperate for advice and guidance from a fellow MS patient.

Because Ann was inspired by those she met on the campaign trail, she published a cookbook and donated the proceeds to Brigham research. Ann hopes to raise $50 million for the center through her own fundraising.

Due to Mitt’s extensive political network, the center will have 250 of the world’s most accomplished doctors, providing patients with the best possible care and research facilities. The center will open in 2016.

Additionally, Mitt has expressed his pride and his love for Ann over Twitter and through a letter that has been published to Medium,

 Dear Ann,You’ve come a long way. It’s been over fifteen years since we sat in the first neurologist’s waiting room, looking at his office brochures that described ALS, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis. We could handle anything, I said, as long as it wasn’t terminal. Your right side had been numb for several weeks, and the numbness was spreading. You were struggling to walk up stairs.After all the tests, the diagnosis was MS. No cure, but treatment might slow its progress. Then came years of Dr. Weiner’s medical care, innumerable reflexology sessions with Fritz Blietschau, hours on horseback, priesthood blessings and prayer. What a miracle it was four years later to see you run the Olympic torch into Salt Lake City.And today, you inaugurate the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, coordinating research at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital with that of research centers around the globe. You are attacking not only MS, but also Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s and brain tumors. From one of the wounded, you have become one of the warriors. I could not be more proud of the 15 year old girl I fell in love with almost 50 years ago. Love, Mitt


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