Blind Chilean Runner Says Sight Limitation Helps Her Draw Closer to God

Margarita Faundez, a Chilean who is blind, doesn’t let her limitation keep her from creating a relationship with her Heavenly Father.

In’s new video,  Faundez explains that although it can be difficult to complete certain tasks not being able to see, she often feels like she can see more than others without her limitation.

People tell me, ‘I don’t believe in God because I can’t see him,’ but I feel that faith is something that no one can touch or see; it’s felt. 

As a lover of running, Faundez has won many medals competing in different countries. Running blind is a challenge, but Faundez hopes to make it to the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio. “I’m an athlete, I’m a fighter, and I’m a Mormon,” Faundez says.

Watch the video above to learn more about Faundez and her faith. Watch more “I’m a Mormon” videos on’s YouTube channel.


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