Former Mormon Creates Fashionable Sister Missionary Clothing Line

During The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Women’s Meeting on March 28, Nate Zubal launched a fashionable clothing line for sister missionaries called, Molly Mo.

More than a decade ago, Zubal left his hometown of Sandy, Utah, to seek a fashion career in New York City. Fox13 reports that as Zubal would travel back to Utah for visits, he began noticing women wearing t-shirts under tank-tops—a fashion trend he’s never seen anywhere else.

Women informed Zubal that this trend came from members of the Church striving to dress modestly and to wear clothing that would cover the sacred temple garment. Zubal, a gay man who left the Church years ago, decided he could help cater to the needs of his friends and family by providing them with attractive, professional and fashionable modest clothing.

Molly Mo is a brand to help build that type of mindset and higher standard with modest clothing that fits not only the LDS standards, but lots of different types of religions and also professionalism, so it’s a mix-and-match suiting concept that’s built for women.

The day of the women’s meeting, Zubal held a showcase at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City where he was able to meet with members of his former faith and hear their challenges with finding attractive, modest clothing. “I had women pulling me aside and saying, ‘Thank you so much for doing this. You know it’s really hard for us to feel like we have somebody that’s speaking to us,'” Zubal said.

Mission Control by Molly Mo states its motto as, “It’s our mission to help you prepare for yours.”

“I grew up Mormon. That’s my family. It’s my sister-in-laws. It’s my friends, my girlfriends, and it was a really humbling experience.”


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