The History of the CTR Ring

Brandon Young, owner of, wrote this article for The following is an excerpt.

I got my first CTR ring for my 12th Christmas. This was a monumental event in my young manhood. I would be getting my first “real” CTR ring and receiving the Aaronic priesthood within a one month period. I was thrilled to finally be upgrading from my adjustable CTR ring that turned my finger green to a sterling silver CTR ring. I wore my CTR ring everyday. Not only did my ring serve as a constant reminder of the importance of the principles of the gospel I had been taught since I was in the Primary, but it also served as a reminder if I was ever faced with temptation.

My CTR ring and I had been through thick and thin together. A lot came from this little simple piece of metal wrapped around my finger. I lost it several times (only to find it each time after fervent prayer), threw it away (and found it again), it served a 2 year mission in Spain, and even inspired a business selling CTR rings on the internet! My CTR ring definitely withstood the test of time as has the symbol throughout the LDS Church. But how did such a prominent symbol of our faith come to be?

Our church has used the CTR ring as a symbol of faith for over 45 years.

Read Young’s full article at


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