Mormon Cast as Fantine in Australia’s Les Misérables

Patrice Tipoki Arkins has been singing the songs from the popular Broadway musical, Les Misérables, since she first saw the show as a young six-year-old girl. Now 30 and with two daughters of her own, Arkins is seeing the musical from a different view: on stage. Arkins plays the role of Fantine in Australia’s 2014 prouduction of Les Misérables.

Arkins shared her experiences from the first time she ever saw Les Mis with Monash Weekly, saying:

I cried, I laughed, I fell in love with [the character] Marius and then went home and learnt every one of the songs. So, I guess you could say I was ready when the audition brief came.

Even though she’s memorized the songs since she was a young girl and has prepared for the role her whole life, Arkins says being a mother to her two girls has helped her the most as she tries to connect with her role as Fantine, mother to Cosette.

Being a mother, playing a mother is a strong part of Fantine’s life I can identify with. It’s what drives her, wanting to do whatever she can to provide for her child.

[quote_box_right]”Because of my belief in eternal families, I don’t feel despair. I am blessed with a peace…I can see him again.”[/quote_box_right]

Monash Weekly reports that everything Arkins does is driven by her faith in God. Growing up a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made family a cornerstone in her life. It is her faith that helped her cope with the death of her younger brother just three days before her marriage to Richard Arkins. She explains, “because of my belief in eternal families, I don’t feel despair. I am blessed with a peace…I can see him again.”

Arkins made her Broadway debut at the age of seven when she played one of the royal children in The King and I. Since then, she has starred in numerous roles, including that of with Elphaba in Wicked. 

Hear Arkins sing a song from Wicked and share her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the videos below. Read more about Arkins and her role at


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