This Video Will Change the Way You Feel About the Scriptures

Mormon Channel published this video a few months ago. It looks at just how important the scriptures really are. Imagine if Moroni had failed to hide the gold plates. Imagine the Bible never being published in English. The many sacrifices made by ancient prophets, some of whom gave their lives protecting their writings, brought us the Words of God. Elder D. Todd Christofferson teaches that these Words are crucial to our society.

Scripture tutors us in principles and moral values essential to maintaining civil society, including integrity, responsibility, selflessness, fidelity, and charity.

Elder Christofferson also reminds us just how important the scriptures should be in our lives when he says,

Consider the magnitude of our blessing to have the Holy Bible and some 900 additional pages of scripture including the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Surely with this blessing the Lord is telling us that our need for constant recourse to the scriptures is greater than in any previous time.


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