Temple Endowment Should Not Be Just a Prerequisite

This title might be a little bit confusing. I DO think that if someone is preparing to enter an eternal marriage or to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary that they should receive their temple endowment. The protection provided through these blessings is essential to our lives.

The blessings of the temple endowment are there to help us fulfill the duties that are placed upon us in both of these circumstances. However, in these instances, there is so much attention placed on the marriage or the mission that the value of the personal endowment itself has a tendency to get lost.

Related Link: Day in the Life of a Temple Ordinance Worker 

The Endowment is a Gift

Gift. Picture by freestocks on Unsplash.

I DON’T think that the endowment should JUST be a prerequisite to marriage or a mission. It should be considered for what it is on its own: a gift from God that is directly for you.

Let me explain it this way, my birthday is three days after Christmas and my parents would never give me one gift as a birthday present and a Christmas present. If every other kid gets birthday presents on their birthday then why shouldn’t I? In other words, my parents would never “lump” my gifts together.

The word “endowment” means gift. Just because the endowment generally happens when you are about to serve a mission or get married, does not mean it should be lumped together with either of those things.

Are You Prepared?

San Diego Temple
Image via LDSliving.com

It is common to jump into marriage or a mission feeling anywhere from completely unprepared to somewhat prepared and at peace with what is to come. But is it the same case with receiving your endowment?

The endowment is a gift that is there to help us with other big steps in our lives. We should be just as prepared to enter the temple as we are to make any other life-changing commitment.

Some people spend years preparing for marriage or a mission. While I spent years preparing for both of these things, the time I spent consciously preparing to enter the temple was significantly smaller.

Related Link: What Latter-day Saints Do in Each Room of Their Temples (With Pictures and Descriptions)


This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Picture by CDC on Unsplash.

COVID-19 previously caused all temples to close. As of 4 days ago, phase 1 of temple reopenings began. A handful of temples have reopened for the live sealings of those who are already endowed.

As I have pondered over the last couple of months on how grateful I am for the blessings of the temple, I realize even more now, how much we should not be taking these ordinances and covenants lightly.

When stage 4 commences, temples will reopen and function as normal. When you personally have the opportunity to sit inside the temple again, ponder how sacred these ordinances are. By doing this we see how these ordinances provide us with safety and protection from our loving Father in Heaven.

Did you feel ready to go through the temple? Share in the comments. 


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